Thursday, July 28, 2016

Marilyn Mosby Faces Charges

Baltimore State Attorney Maralyn Mosby

Malicious Prosecution

Baltimore State Attorney Marilyn Mosby is either the worst lawyer in the United States or the most corrupt. After just three months on the job, she saw a path to infamy when the death of career criminal Freddie Gray hit the headlines.

Less than 24-hours after she received the official police report, she filed charges against the six officers involved. Soon thereafter, she publicly lambasted the police and portrayed them as murderers.

The former Dorchester, MA, resident went 0 for 6 in her racially and politically charged prosecutorial mudslinging of the six police officers. In the stead of bowing her head in shame, she vociferously rebuked the police and the judge at a press conference.

The police officers careers are destroyed and now at least two of them seek redemption. It will be a monumental task to prove her felonious intent, but they may regain the self-respect that was unjustly purloined from them.

Baltimore Riots

Race-baiting Quotes From Marilyn Mosby

Even though three of the six officers were black, Mosby framed this as a racist lynching of a young black man.

No one is above the law and that I would pursue justice on their behalf.”

I heard your call for 'no justice, no peace.'”

To those who are angry, hurt, or have their own experiences of injustice at the hands of police officers, I urge you to channel the energy peacefully as we prosecute this case.”

To the youth of this city, I will seek justice on your behalf. This is a moment. This is your moment.”

You are at the forefront of this cause, as young people, our time is now.”

Ethics Complaint Filed

George Washington University professor, John Banzhaf, has filed an ethics complaint against Mosby's uproariously unprofessional behavior. He asked the Baltimore Bar Association to disbar her because of her reckless misconduct.

It was clear from the get-go that Mosby was placating to political pressure and Black Lives Matter. Marilyn Mosby faces charges listed below.

That she did not have probable cause to believe that there was sufficient admissible evidence to support a conviction of the officers;

That she made public statements regarding the case which were false;

That she improperly withheld evidence from the defense that was exculpatory;

That she continued to prosecute cases after the judge assigned to hear the cases found insufficient evidence to support a conviction;

That she engaged in conduct that was dishonest, fraudulent, deceitful and which misrepresented the facts in the case.

Six Officers Acquitted

Complaints Filed By Wronged Police Officers

Marilyn Mosby faces charges including false arrest and malicious prosecution. Sergeant Alicia White and officer William Porter filed suit against Mosby and Major Sam Cogen from the Baltimore Sheriffs office for the invasion of privacy and defamation of character. 

The officers claim that Mosby and Cogen knew the charges wouldn't hold water but filed them anyway to satisfy the protesters. More charges will be amended, including false imprisonment, violation of the Maryland Declaration of Rights article 24 and 26.

* Remember, the City of Baltimore has already paid the Freddie Gray family $6.4 from taxpayer dollars long before any trials. The police were presumed as guilty. It was all a fraud. Mosby should have to pay this amount back to the city.

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