Radical Islamic Terrorism In America
During a speech at MacDill Air Force Base, Barack Obama touted that there were "no foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland."
Whereas this fact is true, there are a few holes remaining in this truth. The keywords are 'no foreign terrorist organization'. This was framed to completely gloss past all the Radical Islamic terrorist attacks by individuals. Most of which claim ISIS as their motivation.
There were at least 13 attacks while the U.S. was under Barack Obama's tenure. All of them by Radical Islamic terrorists. The Obama Administration resisted the word terrorist in every case. The media backed him up by saying "let's not jump to conclusions" and "the motivation is still questioned." These are keywords that were used to cover the fact that it was Radical Islamic terrorism.
Little Rock, Arkansas, June 1, 2009
At a military training base in Little Rock, one soldier lost his life at the hands of a Radical Islamic terrorist. Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad shot Private William Andrew Long and Private Quinton Ezeagwula. Long lost his life that day whereas Ezeagwula survived his injuries.
Fort Hood, Texas, November 5, 2009
Six years passed before President Obama declared that Major Nidal Malik Hasan was a terrorist. It had been classified as "workplace violence" until that time. Malik killed 14 soldiers at Fort Hood military base.
Boston, Massachusetts, April 15, 2013
Radil Islamic terrorist brothers Tamerlan and Dhozkar Tsarnaev planted two bombs near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. While only three were killed, 260 were injured. The Tsarnaev family were refugees from Chechnya. Tamerlan visited Chechnya where he was radicalized. Even though the government had been investigating them, his trip went undetected.
Moore, Oklahoma, September 24, 2014
Recently radicalized Alton Nolen beheaded a female co-worker because she would not convert to the Islamic religion. Even though he vociferously shouted "Allahu Akbar", the motive was questioned and this was filed under workplace violence.
Queens, New York, December 20, 2014
Self-radicalized terrorist Zale Thompson used a hatchet to attack two police officers. He had indoctrinated himself with ISIS, Al Qaeda, and Al-Shabab. Again, they desperately searched for a motive.
Brooklyn, New York, December 20, 2014
Radical Islamic terrorist Ismaayil Brinsley Executed two police officers at close range. The officers never saw it coming as they sat in their police cruiser. On Brinsley's Facebook page there were re-posts of jihadist messaging and he had close ties to an alleged radical Islamic mosque.
Garland Texas, May 3, 2015
ISIS claimed responsibility for sending the two gunmen to the Curtis Culwell Center and conducting a shooting spree. This was a retaliation for running a Mohammad cartoon contest. The duo were shot dead by a SWAT team.
Chattanooga, Tennessee, December 14, 2015
A terrorist named Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez slaughtered four Marines at a sailor military base. He is believed to have been inspired by ISIS.
San Bernardino, California, June 12, 2016
The FBI had investigated Omar Mateen Omar Omar Mateen before he shot and killed 49 and injured 53 Americans at a gay nightclub. Matten went overseas, found a wife, and she radicalized him. On his Facebook page, he wrote, "I pledge my alliance to Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (the leader of ISIS).
St. Cloud, Minnesota, September 17, 2016
In a Minnesota mall, 20-year-old Islamic terrorist Dahir Adan went on a stabbing spree before he was shot and killed by an off-duty police officer. Adan was said to have been shouting "Allahu Akbar" before he caught the police officers bullets.
New Jersey/New York, September 17 - 19, 2016
An Afghan man, Ahmad Khan Rahimi, planted three bombs and several explosive devices injuring 31 civilians. Rahimi was an Al-Qaeda supporter and his journal showed a strong influence by Sheik AnwarAnwar Al-Awlaki, Nidal Hassan, and Osama Bin Ladin.
Columbus Ohio, November 28, 2016
An ISIS-inspired Somali/Pakistan refugee, Abdul Razak Ali Artan, attempted to mow down his fellow students at Ohio State College. His vehicle became stuck and he ran out of the car and hacked people with a butcher knife.
Closing Thoughts
In every case, these madmen were from another country and were Radical Islamic terrorists. Many of these criminals were refugees from countries infested with terrorist. It is not sane thinking to suggest that no more refugees will become radicalized.
These people do not agree with the American way of life. They do not believe in our principles. They abuse women and children. In their homelands, gay are shoved off of tall buildings. A woman is not a victim of rape unless five men testify to witnessing the crime.
The radical Alt-Left would rather place American lives in danger by letting them live here than doing the right thing for the countries safety. They do not care about the people, they only want them here because they will vote for Democrats someday.
Why would they? Anyone under the category of 'refugee' is entitled to every government benefit available. They will receive a home, free food, free healthcare, and cash, The Democrats make all of this possible so that they will vote for them – and some of them are already voting.
*2,996 Americans were killed by Radical Islamic terrorists in just one day.
*2,996 Americans were killed by Radical Islamic terrorists in just one day.

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