Net Neutrality: Another Government Grab
The media has cast upon the American citizenry much ado about net neutrality. They have bloviated an equal amount of facts and fiction on the topic. This article will present a simple explanation as to why the U.S. government wanted this so badly.
If you were content with your internet in 2010, 2012, or 2014, you have nothing to worry about. Net neutrality is all about government regulations and oversight. The Feds are only good at three things; creating, collecting, and wasting taxpayer dollars.
You can explain away why the FCC regulates radio and television. AM radio was allotted certain frequencies so they don't cut into airline communications, for example. FM is a much higher frequency and is restricted to their frequencies. Otherwise, CB radios would interfere with police, fire, and abulatory communications.
The internet was never regulated until 2015 and much of the entirety of regulatory machinations had not been implemented to this day. What the Obama Administration wanted was complete control of all that is internet. And eventually hand over that control to the U.N. The U.N. does nothing for free, so the cost would cost taxpayers a pretty penny.
Unregulated Internet Advanced Without Them
Al Gore’s wonderful invention of the internet exploded in as far as technology and speed without government. How could this be? The free market is not supposed to operate more efficiently or faster than the government -- according to the government.
Look at cellular phones. Cellular technology was created in 1940. It was immediately suppressed by government and delayed cell phone advancement for 50 years. FM radio was stifulled for 30 years before the government would allow it to exist.
Net neutrality would have enabled the president -- whosoever is president at the time -- to cut deals with corporations with expectations that the corporation would return the favor. Neutrality supporters believe that the government is the benevolent savior and makes certain that everyone is treated fairly. This is Alice In Wonderland ideates.
Neutrality Is An Attack On The First Amendment
In 2010, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled that the Federal Communications Commision does not have the power to regulate an internet provider’s network. Yet, that did not stop them from doing so in 2015.
This is a classic case of one hand of government not knowing -- or is it not caring in this case -- what another hand of government is doing. Comcast sued the FCC once the tried to control what Comcast could and could not put on their network sites.
The court ruled that the FCC did not have “express statutory authority” from the U.S. Congress to regulate the internet. Because of these court rulings, net neutrality is illegal, an attack on free speech, and government overreach.

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