Democrats Caught Manipulating BLM
Guccifer 2.0 released sensitive documents hacked from Democrat House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi's personal computer. In the content, there were guidelines and suggestions on how to manipulate the “radical activist” group Black Lives Matter (BLM).
It is unclear where Guccifer 2.0 resides or how he obtained the damning documents. Democrats immediately deflected the information by claiming that Russia is trying to interfere with the 2016 presidential race. This is ludicrous. Putin would choose Hillary over Trump because she would be as weak as Obama on foreign policy.
Within the hacked emails are demonstrably ignominious tactics to tame the BLM supporters. One memo from last November said, “Do not offer support or concrete policy positions” to BLM. Another read, “Stick to small meetings” and to “Lead from behind” -- which is a presidential approach today. It also stated to “Never mention 'black-on-black crimes' or 'All lives matter.'”
BLM Respond On Facebook
On BLM Facebook page, an angered response was written; “We are disappointed at the DCCC’s (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee) placating response to our demand to value all Black life. Black communities deserve to be heard, not handled. People are dying.”
In full damage-control mode, A Pelosi spokesperson, Drew Hammill, responded, Pelosi “does not support the content or attitude of this memo. On many occasions, Leader Pelosi has publicly supported the ideals embraced by the Black Lives Matter movement and continues to do so.”
A memo sent to Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) staff from Troy Perry, the DCCC director of diversity at the time, suggested the “best practices” for handling the rogue protesters.
“If approached by BLM activists, campaign staff should offer to meet with local activists. Invited BLM attendees should be limited... Please aim for personal or small group meetings. Listen to their concerns, don’t offer support for concrete policy positions... "This response will garner additional media scrutiny and only anger BLM activists.”
Democrats Are The Party Of Racism
The hacked emails/memos are just another example of how the sanctimonious Democrats use the African American community just to turn out votes. Before the Civil War, the Republican Party was formed strictly to oppose slavery. It was the abhorrent Democrat party that fought to their death to keep slavery.
Slavery was finally abolished in 1865. 100% of the Republicans voted for it. Just 23% of the Democrats voted for it. The Republicans were labeled “Radicals” because they also wanted African Americans to be free and become citizens, give them equality, and give them rights.
President Lincoln's Vice President was Andrew Johnson, a Democrat. He was chosen to win over some Democrat voters. After Lincoln's assassination, John and the Democrat party fought against ex-slaves obtaining civil rights. The Democrat party fought against this for nearly 100 years after Lincoln's demise.
In 1868, however, the 14th amendment was passed. This gave African Americans citizenship. 94% of the Republicans voted for it, and 0% Democrats voted for it. The KKK was an affiliate of the Southern Democrat Party. The Left referred to the Republicans as “N-word lovers.”
It is the paradigm of Democrats that turn their heads at black inner-city murders and crime. They continue to claim that they will fight for them, but all they want is their vote. The top 10 worst cities in America are ruled by Democrats, dominated by blacks, and they live in hell.

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