Hillary's Coughing: A Different Kind Of Hacking Scandal
Hillary Clinton has an eccentric coughing issue that flares up when she is publicly speaking – or is it all the time. It was first noticed back on February 15, 2008, when she was in the midst of a live interview for KTVU-TV in San Francisco. She had just stated how salient good health is and the importance of universal health care. Then, the debilitating cough attack ensued and she could not speak for nearly 30 seconds.
10 days later on February 25, it happened again. She was delivering a speech on foreign policy at George Washington University when she succumbed to another nettlesome attack. She struggled through nearly three minutes of hacking and coughing. Everyone who witnessed this display was dismayed, to say the least.
Continuing with her million mile trek across the globe accomplishing nothing, SOS Clinton landed in Hanoi, Vietnam in July of 2010. What she thought was a substantive issue here is anyone's guess. As she addressed the American Chamber of Commerce, she once again had to stop speaking because of her uncontrollable cough.
To excuse herself, she said, “So this scholarship program is exactly what we need. And I've been talking all day, so excuse me.” She gulped a half-glass of water and recomposed herself.
Hillary Clinton Cough Montage
2016 Presidential Campaign
Fast-forward to 2015 when she reappeared in the public. On the stump in Iowa, the cough-a-holic broke out into a hacking fit to near asphyxiation. Two months later on October 22, in the Benghazi hearing, the coughing came back to haunt her. On a side note; later we learned that the Democrat senators were spoon-fed which questions to ask Hillary long before the questioning.
Back on January 25, 2016, Hillary hacked out 37 coughs and 7 throat-clearings during an embarrassing 3-minute ordeal. She was attempting to speak to foreign policy, which she knows nothing about. Hillary has made more foreign policy mistakes than any Secretary of State (SOS) ever. The only person in Washington who has gotten more foreign assessments exactly wrong is Joe Biden.
Flashback: The footage of SOS Clinton in the situation room during the capture of Osama Bin Ladin, Hillary is seen with her hand covering her mouth. Originally, everyone wrote that off as she was shocked to see the operation unfold. Sources say, however, that she was attempting to silence her coughing.
Hillary Clinton Chokes
She suffered through more public attacks on February 15, 2016. February 16, 2016. February 20, 2016. April 5, 2016.
Most recently, she had two cough attacks on the same day on September 5, 2016. She was speaking to the reporters that were aboard her new plane when her choking cough occurred. She attempted to speak through it but her words were inhibited to the point where she could not be interpreted.
Then, at a Labor Day stump speech in Ohio, Hillary gasped and gagged through her coughing for the first few minutes. Later, as she hammered Trump on his trip to Mexico – which Hillary declined her invite – the cough returned.
There is no wondering on why she has been the absentee nominee. There is something wrong with Hillary's health and she refuses to release her health records. Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton has given new meaning to what a 'choke artist' is.

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