Monday, January 30, 2017

Democrats Still Don't Get It

Democrats: You Lost, Get Over It 

The recalcitrant mental misfits on the left didn't get their way in the 2016 presidential election and they are now in official hissy-fit mode. They chose the worst possible candidate to face off with real change and they're shocked that Hillary lost. Democrats still don't get it. The plan to change nothing and push forward with the same leftist agenda will weaken their party even more.

On November 7, 2016, the "experts" predicted a Republican civil war, a disgrace for a presidential candidate, a colossal loss in the House and Senate, and a liberal Supreme court for the next three decades. Quite contrarily, their world has imploded and the snowflake cry baby's are throwing a tantrum. 

Fox News talk show host Sean Hannity had this to say, "Apparently, this is how the PC culture - where everybody's a winner, everybody gets a participation trophy - and these liberals operate... We're supposed to roll out the red carpet for sore loser liberals because their sub-par, crooked, corrupt candidate lost an election?" 

The American people have had enough of Democrats destroying the country and are tired of electing Republicans without any results. When it comes to re-election time, the politicians explain why they accomplished nothing and ask for the people's vote. This created Donald Trump and the Democrats still don't get it. 

The right maintained the majority in both the House and Senate, massive gains in state legislators, now have 34 governors, and three or possibly four Supreme Court justices will get the nod. The Republican Party hasn't been in better position for nearly 100 years. 

Dishonest Mainstream Media 

A new Rasmussen poll revealed a different scenario than the mainstream media portrayed. The former real estate legend has hit the 59 percent approval rating by his American citizenry. The media had been floating a 35 percent rating. 

The American people clearly see what is going on but the Democrats still don't get it. They blame the loss on everything except Hillary. She didn't campaign, she didn't hold news conferences, she didn't go to crucial swing states, and she is incredibly boring. 

The photo of Trump's inauguration crowd was taken hours before he was on the property, The photo of Obama's inauguration was taken while he was speaking. The left-wing media will attack Trump every day for the next four years, probably 8 years. 

If they cannot dig up a juicy story to degrade the president, they will simply create it. Truth has no place in their agenda. They vociferously claim that water-boarding is torture and inhumane, yet, the U.S. military routinely water boards Navy Seals as part of their training. 

The left Spews Evil 

The party of acceptance only accepts thought that they approve. If anyone dares to think differently, hells fire is on the way. Just look at the Hollywood fruitcakes spouting off. Before Trump took office and they claimed that American's lives are in eminent danger. 

The left-leaning media has their back on all of this madness. They invented the term "alt-right" and no one knows what it means. If there is an alt-right, there must be alt-left Democrats and an alt-left media. 

The left has pushed further left than any time in history. Extremism and radicalism are the new normalcy and Democrats of just 10 years ago are extinct. This is exactly why their party keeps losing. The Democrats still don't get it and until they do, we will have a conservative-run country. So, keep it up snowflakes, and God bless the USA.

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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Trump's First Week In Office

Shock And Awe 

It is President Trump's first week in Office and he has accomplished more than the media can follow. Before they finish strafing one story, there are two more floating out there. He is implementing everything he promised he would out on the campaign trail and in record time. 

It is an anomaly to see a politician do what they promised. It's unheard of. Usually, there are momentous promises and then the explanations of why they could not keep their promise are regurgitated. No more.   

While the left-wings loons go through Kleenex after Kleenex, Trump just keeps fixing the country that had been so badly broken by President Obama and many before him. He has already "saved or created" over two million jobs and cut billions from spending.  

Company after company will come back to the U.S. because America will be a tax haven. The thinking is simple: Trump would rather get 15% in taxes from companies that stay instead of receiving zero dollars from a company that has fled the nation. 

Biggest Accomplishments So Far 

In Trump's first week in office, he cut ties with the Transcontinental Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal. This poorly designed agreement heavily favors all of the 11 countries involved – but not the United States. 

The wall will be built. He didn't have to work too hard to get this done. His team found a bill that was passed that gave the go ahead to build the wall. All he needs now is for the House to okay the funding of the construction and it will be built. 

He reinstated the 'Mexico City' policy. This policy restricts any federal funding going to foreign nonprofit entities that promote or perform abortions. This policy was introduced in 1984 and it was banned in 2009. It also restricts monies to foreign lobbyists that promote, try to legalize or provide information on how to get an abortion. 

Still More Policies 

He has instituted a ban on federal hiring, except for the military, public safety hires, and public health employees. He ended a planned cut on mortgage insurance for most first-time home purchasers. It's Trump's first week in office, and shock and awe are on display.

He signed an executive order to begin and outline to repeal and replace the unaffordable Affordable Care Act. He gave the okay for the Keystone XL pipeline, which Obama thought about for six years and disapproved it. Also, the Dakota Access pipeline got the nod. 

He put an end to "catch and release" of criminal illegal aliens – all illegal aliens are illegally here. He put an end to federal funding for over 300 Sanctuary Cities. He has named a net neutrality critic Ajit Pai to head up the FCC. 

He told Benjamin Netanyahu that he will move the American Embassy in Israel to the heartland of Jerusalem. He spoke to the CIA and received a five-minute standing ovation. He also reassured Bibi that America is their friend again. 

All this was accomplished in Trump's first week in office. One can only imagine what the next four – probably eight – years of action will bring. Finally, the President of the United States is looking out for the forgotten people again. Put your seatbelt on folks, it will be a fast and furious pace.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Socialism Always Fails

The Big Lie 

Socialists promise illustrious prosperity for all citizens. They proclaim that the people will be safer and everyone will be equals. What socialists deliver, however, is equal poverty, equal suffering, equal misery, and a narcissistic totalitarianism dictatorship Socialism always fails and always ends up painted a monochromatic black.

Initially, there will be the illusory that it works, but never for very long. Corruption sets in and the money is gobbled up by the political empire. When this occurs, there is less for the common people and everyone will become dependent on the government. 

Socialism destroys incentive and competition. It purloins the drive and will to succeed because neither is possible. A centrally commanded economy would be in the hands of the dictatorship. Dictators take care of themselves first and foremost, and not the people.  

Democratic Socialism 

2016 presidential hopeful, Bernie Sanders, claims to be a Democratic Socialist. These two words cannot be written or spoken consecutively because they are polar opposites. It would be tantamount to pointing to a bear and claiming it is both a black bear and a white bear. 

Socialism is socialism. and socialism always fails. The Democrat Party has presented a delightful picture of socialism without saying they are against capitalism, but they are. They want big government and big control of you. Their world vision is for everyone to be equal. This is not possible. 

Some individuals have the internal drive to push themselves out the door each day and attempt to better their lives. Some folks want to hang around the house all day, every day. If the two were treated as equals, the hard-working man would lose his drive to work if the government dictates that both are to have the same amount of money. 


Socialism Always Fails 

Where would the poor unemployed people get their money? It would be taken from the hard-working men and women. What happens when the workers become unmotivated to work? Taxes will be increased exponentially. However, sooner or later, the government will exhaust monetary resources and workers. 

France's experiment with socialism has run up their national debt to a staggering $2.15 trillion. This represents 94 percent of their GDP. This may explain why they raised their taxes by $20 million in 2013. It's still not enough. The debt is still going upward and they do not understand why. 

Bernie Sanders would have been okay with a 90% corporate tax rate. That still wouldn't have been enough to pay for his insane plan. France incorporated a “super tax” of 75% for the wealthy. Many of the wealthiest French citizens left the country immediately. So, instead of receiving some of their money via lower taxes, they now receive zero. This is why socialism always fails.


The Cuban Archipelago Of Suffering 

While the mainstream media and most of Hollywood praise the Castro's and their dreamed egalitarian socialist system, the citizenry suffers a life of incomprehensible deprivation. The truth is that Cuba has been run by a totalitarian dictator who adored communism.

Fidel Castro took the leadership after the revolution in 1959. Since then, he has killed over seven thousand Cubans, enslaved tens of thousands of citizens in work camps, and exiled over one hundred thousand. The Castro's live like florid king's as the Cuban people wonder if they will eat on any given day. 

The average apartment is 15' X 20' and it is normal for ten people to live in these confined spaces. The average income for the majority of the country is approximately $20 per month. This wondrous socialist country hands out food cards, which supplies very little. They are used mostly to purchase eggs insofar as meat, cheese, and dairy, are delicacies enjoyed just once per week. This is proof-posative that socialism always fails. 



This is another socialist country run by a tyrannical dictatorship. There is an outbreak of malnutrition with young children. This country often runs out of food, milk, and personal hygiene products. Many children are dying because there is no food for them. 

76 percent of Venezuelans live in poverty. It is commonplace to eat just once or twice per day. It is also common to see the poor rummage through garbage cans for sustenance. Energy is rationed and usually, electricity is only available a few hours per day. 

Hospitals rarely have all the supplies they need. Oftentimes, newborn babies are placed in a cardboard box. Waiting in line to get into the supermarket – which often have empty shelves – is against the law. Over 10,000 citizens were arrested and detained for this heinous crime last year.  

This is the true result of socialism, and socialism always fails. There has never been a successful socialist country, ever. The U.S. seemed to be leaning toward socialism until President Donald J. Trump arrived. Be rest assured that capitalism will thrive and socialism will be dead. 

Things socialism always causes 

  1. Ends economic growth. 
  1. Ends freedom of speech. 
  1. Creates tyrannical government.  
  1. Creates strife and division. 
  1. The end justifies the means” is the consensus of socialist leaders. 
  1. High taxes. 
  1. Victim mentality. 
  1. Subsidies for failure, punishment for success. 
  1. Joblessness. 
  1. Hopelessness. 

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